Asset Publisher

Register of Employment Agencies

The Register of Employment Agencies contains information on employment agencies. Registration in the register is a prerequisite for the employment agencies to be able to carry out their activities.
An application for entry into the register should be submitted to the Marshal of the voivodeship competent for the place of conducting business activity. The application may be submitted in an electronic form (through the Teleinformation System for Handling Registers or in a paper form.
The application must contain the following data:

  1. the name of the entity applying for registration,
  2. the address of residence or registered office of the entity and the addresses at which the business will be conducted, together with the name of the commune and voivodeship and telephone number,
  3. designation of the legal form of the conducted business activity,
  4. the definition of the type of services to be provided:
  1. jobplacement, personal counselling, vocational counselling, or
  2. temporary work,
  1. tax identification number (NIP),
  2. number of entry in the register of entrepreneurs in the National Court Register or information on entry in the Central Register and Information on Business Activity - in the case of an entrepreneur,
  3. the electronic mail address, if any.

Confirmation of the registration is made by the Marshal of the voivodeship by issuing a certificate of registration of the entity authorized to provide services as an employment agency. The issuance of the certificate is subject to a fee of PLN 200.
Access to the register:
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