People eligible to the travel cost reimbursement
You can get the reimbursement of your travel costs if:
- you commence employment or other paid work, vocational training of adults, traineeship based on the office's referral, or you are referred to the career counselling classes;
- you earn remuneration or other revenue in the amount not exceeding 200% of the minimum remuneration for work.
People eligible to the accommodation cost reimbursement
You will be able to receive the reimbursement of accommodation costs from the Labour Fund if:
- you commence employment or other paid work, traineeship or vocational training of adults outside your place of residence based on the referral from a Poviat Labour Office;
- in a place, for which the time of going to it and back to the place of your permanent residence using public transport is more than three hours a day altogether;
- you stay in a hotel or rented flat in the place or near it where you are employed or do other paid work, do you traineeship or vocational training of adults;
- you earn remuneration or other revenue in the amount not exceeding 200% of the minimum remuneration for work in force in a month which the accommodation costs are reimbursed for.
The period when you are eligible to receive the reimbursement of the travel costs and accommodation costs
You can receive the reimbursement of your travel/accommodation costs for no more than 12 months or for the duration of your traineeship, vocational training of adults or career counselling classes.
Formalities connected with obtaining the reimbursement of the travel and accommodation costs
To receive the reimbursement of the travel/accommodation costs, you should submit an application in a competent Poviat Labour Office.