Job placement

What are the job placement?

Job placement are one of the basic labour market services offered by Poviat and Voivodeship Labour Offices to the jobseekers and employers.

If you are a jobseeker, within this service you can obtain information on job offers, organised labour exchanges and career fairs, and also opportunities to use other forms of assistance offered by the Office if you need more than offered by job placement.

If you are an employer, within the job placement you can benefit from the Office's help to look for workers. This entails support when preparing a job offer, publishing it and selecting appropriate candidates who will be referred to an interview. On request, within service implementation, the Office can organise a labour exchange for you or invite you to participate in the organised career fairs as an exhibitor.

What type of assistance is offered by the Office within this service?

Within the employment service, the Labour Offices perform many tasks for their customers, including the unemployed, jobseekers and employers.

The most important activities undertaken within this service include obtaining job offers from employers and posting them in the Office seats and in the Central Job Offer Database, as well as using other mass media.

Accepting the job offer and its publication entails the need to provide an appropriate candidate for the job by the Office. Office employees implementing tasks within the service provide assistance to the unemployed and jobseekers in relation to finding appropriate employment by providing information on job offers and referring them to employers for an interview on the one hand, and provide assistance for the employers to help them find appropriate workers, by referring people who meet the requirements stipulated in the job offer on the other.

Office employees initiate and organise meetings of the unemployed and jobseekers with employers during labour exchanges and career fairs.

An important task is also to inform customers about the current situation and anticipated changes on the local labour market, as well as provide information on the rights and obligations resulting from registering in the Office to the unemployed.

Who can use job placement and how?

The job placement can be used by anyone as they are provided both to the people registered and unregistered in the Poviat Labour Office as an unemployed person or a jobseeker, including EEA citizens, local employers and employers from EU member states, states within the European Economic Area not belonging to the European Union and other states, if the nationals of those states can benefit from the freedom of movement for workers based on the treaties executed by the relevant states with the European Community and its member states.

What benefits are offered by the service?

Job placement are provided to all the interested people free of charge based on the following rules:

  • Service availability to jobseekers and employers;
  • Voluntary basis — meaning the use of service is free from any coercion;
  • Equality — meaning the obligation to assist all the unemployed and jobseekers when looking for employment or another paid work regardless of their gender, age, disability, race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, trade union membership, ethnic origin, religious beliefs or sexual orientation;
  • Transparency — meaning every vacancy reported to the Labour Office is announced to the unemployed and jobseekers.

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