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Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations

What is the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations?

The Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations is a structured collection of occupations and specializations on the labour market. It is a "physical inventory" of occupations identified on the labour market. The classification was developed based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08. The classification is updated every 2–3 years by amending the Regulation on the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the Labour Market Needs and its Applicability Scope to adapt to the changes taking place on the labour market (Polish and European) by introducing new occupations/specializations into it.

For the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations, an occupation was defined as a set of tasks (occupational activities) isolated as a result of the social division of labour, carried out permanently or with minor changes by the individuals and requiring relevant competences (expertise and skills) acquired by education or practice. The specialization was defined as a result of the division of labour within an occupation and it includes some activities of a similar nature (relating to the function performed or subject of labour) requiring extended or extra expertise and skills acquired by extra training or practice.

Please note: An occupation and a specialization should not be confused with a job.

What is the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations not?

The Regulation on the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the Labour Market Needs and its Applicability Scope does not govern the aspects of licensing to work in a given occupation and of meeting the qualification requirements by people offering their services in a given occupation on the labour market, training and awarding qualifications by entities offering such services (e.g. courses or training). The classification is primarily a tool used for statistics, employment, job placement and career counselling, research, analyses, forecast and other studies concerning the labour market.

Information on the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations — Brief History
Methodology of the Occupation Description Development
Occupation Description Search Engine

How to report a new occupation?

The requests concerning amendment to the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations can be filed by offices serving ministers, central offices, professional associations, social partners and other entities running their organized activity in the area of economy, labour market and education which are relevant in terms of subject matter to a given occupation or specialization.

Please note: The request cannot be submitted by a natural person.

The request should contain the grounds for the advisability of introducing the occupation into the classification, a description with a brief outline of the occupation and occupational requirements, as well as information on the required education and legal regulations pertaining to the occupation, should they apply.

Similarly, a request can be filed to remove an occupation from the classification or to change the occupation name or to move the occupation to another group, justifying its advisability.

Pursuant to Article 14(1) and (2) of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR), it is necessary to enclose a signed Applicant's Statement to every request, see the template form enclosed.

Files to download

The request and the statement should be addressed to:

The Ministry of Family and Social Policy
Labour Market Department
ul. Żurawia 4a
00-515 Warsaw

References to the classification and the linking keys in force from 1 January 2022

  1. The Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the labour market needs of 2021 — being an enclosure to the Regulation of the Minister of Family and Social Policy of 13 November 2021 on the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the Labour Market Needs and its Applicability Scope (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 2285) – as per 1 January 2022
  2. Alphabetical Index of Occupations and Specializations in the Classification of 2021 — as at 1 January 2022
  3. Structure of the Classification of 2021 — occupation groups — as at 1 January 2022
  4. Linking key between the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations of 2018 and of 2021 — as at 1 January 2022
  5. Linking key between the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations of 2021 and the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 — as at 1 January 2022
  6. Vocational education occupations included in the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the Labour Market Needs of 2021 and the vocational qualifications included in them — as per 1 January 2022

Legacy versions of the Classification:

References to the classification and the linking keys in force from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2021

  1. Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations of 2014 — consolidated text (Journalof Laws of 2018, item 227) – as per 25 January 2018
  2. Alphabetical Index of Occupations and Specializations from the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the Labour Market Needs of 2014 — as at 25 January 2018
  3. Linking key between the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations of 2010 and the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the Labour Market Needs of 2014 — as at 25 January 2018
  4. Linking key between the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the Labour Market Needs of 2014 as amended and the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 — as at 25 January 2018
  5. Structure of the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the Labour Market Needs of 2014 — occupation groups — as at 25 January 2018
  6. School occupations included in the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations of 2014 — consolidated text (Journalof Laws of 2018, item 227) and professional qualifications included in them — as per 25 January 2018
  7. Ascribing qualifications to school occupations included in the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations of 2014 — consolidated text (Journalof Laws of 2018, item 227) – as per 25 January 2018

References to the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations of 2014 and the linking keys in force from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2016

  1. Alphabetical Index of Occupations and Specializations in the Classification of 2014 — as at 22 December 2014
  2. Linking key between the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations of 2010 and the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the Labour Market Needs of 2014 — as at 29 December 2014
  3. Linking key between the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the Labour Market Needs of 2014 and the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 — as at 29 December 2014
  4. Structure of the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the Labour Market Needs of 2014 — occupation groups — as at 13 November 2014
  5. school occupations included in the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the Labour Market Needs and the professional qualifications included in them — as per 13 November 2014
  6. Ascribing qualifications to school occupations included in the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations for the labour market needs — as at 13 November 2014

References to the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations of 2010 and the linking keys — the Classification was in force to 31 December 2014

  1. Alphabetical Index of Occupations and Specializations in the Classification of 2010 as amended — as per 12 November 2012
  2. Linking key between the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations of 2007 and of 2010 as amended — as  — as per 12 November 2012
  3. Linking key between the Polish Classification of Occupations and Specializations of 2010 as amended and the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08
  4. Structure of the Classification of 2010 as amended — occupation groups — as at 12 November 2012

Reference works

Occupation group descriptions

Legal basis


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