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Employment services

What are the employment services?

Employment services are one of the basic labour market services offered by Poviat and Voivodeship Labour Offices to the jobseekers and employers.

If you are not registered as an unemployed or a jobseeker in the Poviat Labour Office, you can also use the Office's employment-related help. There you can get information on the job offers and the organised career fairs, as well as on the possibilities of using other help offered by the Office if it can be obtained without registering.

What type of help is offered to the unregistered?

Within the employment service, the Job Offices perform many tasks for their customers, including registered and unregistered ones and the employers.

The most important activities within this service include obtaining job offers and announcing them in public in the Office seats and in the Central Job Offer Database, as well as using other mass media.

Acceptance of a job offer and its publication entail the necessity to ensure an appropriate candidate for the position, which is why the employees performing tasks within the service provide assistance to the unemployed and jobseekers to help them find proper employment by providing information on job offers and directing them to employers for a job interview. The Offices accept and also publish job offers where the employers provide their contact details, offering the possibility to apply to people not registered in the Office.

What is more, employees initiate and organise meetings with employers during career fairs.

An important task is also to inform customers about the current situation and anticipated changes on the local labour market.

Who can use employment services and how?

The employment services can be used by anyone as they are provided both to the people registered and unregistered in the Poviat Labour Office as an unemployed or a jobseeker, including EEA citizens, local employers and employers from EU member states, states within the European Economic Area not belonging to the European Union and other states if the citizens of those states can benefit from the freedom of movement for workers based on the treaties executed by the relevant states with the European Community and its member states.

What benefits are offered by the service?

Employment services are provided to all the interested people free of charge based on the following rules:

  • Service availability to jobseekers and employers;
  • Voluntary basis — meaning the use of service is free from any coercion;
  • Equality — meaning the obligation to assist all the unemployed and jobseekers when looking for employment or another paid work regardless of their gender, age, disability, race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, trade union membership, ethnic origin, religious beliefs or sexual orientation;
  • Transparency — meaning every vacancy reported to the Labour Office is announced.

What is a job offer?

An offer is an announcement made by an employer, free from any requirements infringing the rule of equal treatment in employment, as construed pursuant to the Labour Law provisions, in relation to at least one vacancy connected with employment or another paid work in a specific job or specialty to obtain help finding an appropriate worker, the Act on Employment Promotion and Labour Market Institutions (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 149 as amended), Article 2 section 1 item 16a;

Types of job offers

The Labour Office accepts a job offer from an employer and announces it in public as an open or restricted offer.

An open offer is a job offer where an employer agreed to have their contact details known publicly.

The open offer can be applied for by individuals, including those not registered in the Office, who are interested in the published offer.

A restricted offer is a job offer where an employer made a reservation that their details should be known solely to the Office and to those registered in it who will be sent to the said employer in connection with the reported offer.

The Customer Advisor sends people interested, whose competences can be determined and for whom a given offer meets the requirements of an appropriate job offer, and who meet the requirements presented by the employer in the offer, to the restricted offer.

Career fairs

This is a form of direct contact of many employers with many candidates for the job to present job offers or vacancy proposals and recruit candidates meeting the requirements of individual employers.

Career fairs are events which can be organised by a Labour Office:

  • Independently — local fair reach, covering the area of a single poviat,
  • In cooperation with a Voivodeship Labour Office or other Poviat Labour Offices or other institutions — local, national or international fair reach.

Please remember! Participating in career fairs is one of jobseeking opportunities. It enables to meet many employers, talk to them, establish contacts with the employer or leave your CV.

One visit to the career fair can result in finding a job or changing it to a more interesting one.

The information on fairs organised nearby can be found on the website of the Central Job Offer Database in the tab "Calendar of Fairs, Exchanges and Training Sessions", on the website of the Poviat or Voivodeship Labour Office. It can be published also using other media which the Office cooperates with.

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