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Group counselling

What does group counselling consist in?

If you have not been registered, you can use the career counselling in the group form, i.e.

  • group advice provided to people who need assistance to solve their job-related problems or to acquire job-seeking skills;
  • group information provided during an information meeting aimed at presenting job-related information.

The group counselling takes the form of workshops.

Where and what type of assistance can you use within the group counselling?

As a person not registered in the Poviat Labour Office, you can use the group counselling in the form of group information.

The Information and Career Planning Centre will provide support related to group career counselling within the group advice and group information.

What should you do to use the group counselling services?

If you are not registered and you would like to use the group career counselling, ask the Poviat Labour Office or the Information and Career Planning Centre for help.


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