What does group counselling consist in?
If you are registered, you can use the group career counselling in the Poviat Labour Office or the Information and Vocational Information and Career Planning Centre. The assistance offered there comprises:
- group advice provided to people who need assistance to solve their job-related problems or to acquire job-seeking skills;
- group information provided during an information meeting aimed at presenting job-related information;
- training on the jobseeking skills organised by Poviat Labour Offices.
Where can you use group career counselling and in what form?
Group forms of assistance within the career counselling are offered by Poviat Labour Offices and the Information and Career Planning Centres.
Group counselling is offered in a form of workshops and is aimed e.g. at helping you to:
- cope with jobseeking better,
- plan your career and determine your potential,
- learn your own vocational preferences,
- prepare application documents,
- prepare yourself for an interview with the employer,
- prepare to start your business activity.
Within the group counselling you can also enroll in Training devoted to jobseeking skills organised by employees of Poviat Labour Offices.
Please remember! Assistance in active job seeking is organised solely by Poviat Labour Offices.
The Poviat Labour Office offers group career counselling to a registered person in all group forms, while the Information and Career Planning Centre offers group career counselling to a registered person in the form of group counselling and group information.
What should you do to use the group counselling services?
If you would like to use the group career counselling as a registered person, contact the Poviat Labour Office or the Information and Career Planning Centre.
If you are registered in the Poviat Labour Office, report your willingness to use individual counselling to your Customer Advisor e.g. when creating your IAP.