What is an occupancy voucher for an unemployed below 30?
If you an unemployed below 30, you can apply for an occupancy voucher guaranteeing the funds to pay your accommodation expenses in connection with your employment, other paid work or business activity outside your former place of residence.
What conditions are to be met for the unemployed to be awarded an occupancy voucher?
Your starost can award an occupancy voucher to you in connection with your employment, other paid work or business activity outside your former place of residence if
- For doing it, you will earn remuneration or revenue amounting at least to the minimum gross remuneration for work a month and you will be subject to social insurance on those grounds;
- The distance between your former place of residence to the town/city you stay in connection with your employment, other paid work or business activity is at least 80 km or the time of travel to the said town/city and back to the former place of residence exceeds at least 3 hours a day altogether;
- You keep your employment, other paid work or business activity for at least 6 months.
The occupancy voucher will be awarded in the amount stipulated in the agreement, not higher, however, than 200% of the average remuneration.
What are the obligations resulting from the voucher received?
If you receive an occupancy voucher, you will be obliged to:
- Within 30 days after you have received the voucher, submit a document confirming you started your employment, other paid work or business activity to the Poviat Labour Office, with a declaration that you fulfill the condition connected with the distance between your former place of residence to the place of work;
- Within 7 days after the day of losing employment, other paid work or terminating your business activity and the day when you start a new employment, other paid work or business activity respectively, submit a statement of losing employment, other paid work or terminating your business activity and starting a new employment, other paid work or business activity to the Poviat Labour Office, with a declaration that you fulfill the condition connected with the distance between your former place of residence to the place of work;
- Within 8 months after you have received the voucher, document you keep your employment, other paid work or run your business activity for 6 months.
If you fail to fulfill the above obligations, you will be obliged to return the voucher amount, as stipulated in the applicable law, within 30 days after you have received the starost's request.