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How to write a cover letter?

A cover letter is a form of "marketing communication". You must ensure it advertises you!

The basic components of a cover letter are described in the enclosed file.

The most frequent errors in application documents

  • The failure to adapt a CV and a cover letter to the specific nature of a given company and a position.
  • No clearly defined goal.
  • Unclear and illegible graphic form.
  • Sending the same letter to different locations, photocopying it and adding a handwritten name of another addressee.
  • Excessively long letter discouraging from reading.
  • Distorted chronology in the professional resume
  • Mistaken names, dates, spelling and stylistic errors etc.
  • Copying a CV and cover letter which were found in guides for jobseekers.
  • Exaggerating descriptions of one's own values and, equally frequently, excessive modesty.
  • No specific examples to support your qualities or achievements
  • Repeating the information included in CV in the cover letter.
  • "Copying" job offers.
  • No personal data protection clause.
  • No signature under the letter.

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