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Individual counselling

What does individual counselling consist in?

If you are registered, you can use the individual career counselling in the Poviat Labour Office or the Information and Career Planning Centre. Within the provided assistance, an Office employee will provide:

  • individual counselling or remote individual counselling over the phone or e.g. by e-mail if you report the need to receive assistance to solve your job-related problem;
  • individual information or remote individual information over the phone or e.g. by e-mail if you report the need to receive job-related information.

During your counselling, together with an Office employee, you will determine your job-related problem and possible ways to solve it.

Job-related problems in connection with which you can ask the Office employee for help can refer e.g. to selecting or changing your career, complementing or changing your professional qualifications, selecting your education or training direction, planning your professional development, looking for sources of information, selecting a workplace or a form of assistance which could be offered by the Office to help you most efficiently, e.g. referring you to the training or providing support to start your own activity.

Where can you use individual career counselling and in what form?

Individual forms of assistance within the career counselling are offered by Poviat Labour Offices and the Information and Career Planning Centres in Voivodeship Labour Offices within:

  • individual counselling and remote individual counselling,
  • individual information and remote individual information.

What should you do to use the individual counselling services?

To use the individual career counselling as a registered person, contact the Poviat Labour Office or the Information and Career Planning Centre.

If you are registered in the Poviat Labour Office, report your willingness to use individual counselling to your Customer Advisor e.g. when creating your IAP.

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