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Scholarship for continuing education

Who can receive a scholarship for continuing education?

A scholarship for continuing education can be received by a person who:

  1. is registered as an unemployed person in the Poviat Labour Office and
  2. does not have any vocational qualifications and
  3. started further education in the following schools within 12 months after registration:
  4. in a secondary school for adults (a public or non-public school with the public school accreditation) or
  5. at a university where they attend a part-time course (evening or extramural one).

Note! The grant is payable provided you do not exceed the income limit per one household member, authorising to receive social welfare benefits.

How long can you receive the scholarship for continuing education?

The grant can be received for 12 months after you have started your education.

Note! A starost can decide to continue payment of your grant until you complete the course in line with the curriculum.

The grant value is 100% of the unemployment benefit.

Note! You can continue your grant if you commenced employment, but the benefit will be reduced to 20% of the unemployment benefit.

What should you do to obtain the grant for further education?

A person interested in receiving the grant should file an application in the Poviat Labour Office where they are registered.

Note! To receive the scholarship, you should submit a certificate issued by the school to the Labour Office or prepare your own statement of starting or continuing your education.

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