The sickness benefit is payable to the insured person who became incapable of work due to a disease in the term of the sickness insurance.
The sickness benefit is payable also to the person who became incapable of work after the discontinuance of the title to the sickness insurance if the incapacity for work lasted at least 30 days continuously and emerged:
- no later than 14 days after the discontinuance of the title to the sickness insurance;
- no later than 3 months after the discontinuance of the title to the sickness insurance for any contagious disease with the incubation period longer than 14 days or another disease, the symptoms of which appear later than 14 days starting from the disease start.
The sickness benefit is payable for the period of the incapacity for work because of a disease or inability to work, no longer, however, than 182 days, and if the incapacity for work was caused by tuberculosis or takes place during pregnancy, no longer than 270 days.
The monthly sickness benefit amounts to 80% of the benefit assessment basis.
The monthly sickness benefit for staying in hospital is 70% of the benefit assessment basis, though the monthly sickness benefit for staying in hospital starting from 15th to 33rd day of the incapacity for work in a given calendar year for an employee over 50 years of age amounts to 80% of the benefit assessment basis.
The monthly sickness benefit amounts to 100% of the benefit assessment basis if the incapacity for work or inability to work:
- takes place during pregnancy;
- results from undergoing the required medical examinations for the candidate donors of cells, tissues and organs and the procedure of cell, tissue or organ collection;
- resulted from an accident on the way to or from work.