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Vocational guidance

What is the vocational guidance and what are its forms?

Career counselling is a labour market service offered by Poviat Labour Offices and Information and Career Planning Centres in the Voivodeship Labour Offices. Career counselling consists in providing assistance by the Labour Office employee related to solving vocational problems of people who come to the Office to receive such help.

Assistance can be provided in the form of individual contact of the Office employee with the person requiring help or over the phone or Internet.

Within the career counselling service, the Office employees carry out also group meetings in the form of workshops with those requiring help.

Who can use the career counselling?

The career counselling service is available both to people registered in the Poviat Labour Office and in a narrower scope to the unregistered ones and to employers and their employees.

What benefits are offered by the service?

Within the career counselling you can obtain assistance in connection with:

  • selection or change of the job,
  • career planning,
  • complementing their vocational qualifications,
  • determination of their competences and interests,
  • professional development planning.

Please remember! Career counselling in Poviat Labour Offices and in the Information and Career Planning Centre is carried out for all the interested people free of charge in accordance with the following rules:

  • availability,
  • voluntariness,
  • equality regardless of gender, age, disability, racial origin, ethnic origin, nationality, sexual orientation, political beliefs and religion or the trade membership,
  • freedom of job and place of employment selection,
  • data confidentiality and protection.

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