Site map - Wortal Publicznych Służb Zatrudnienia
Site Map
- For the unemployed and jobseekers
- ABC for the unemployed and jobseekers
- Granting the status of an unemployed
- Granting the status of a jobseeker
- How to register in a Poviat Labour Office as an unemployed?
- How to register in a Poviat Labour Office as a jobseeker?
- Documents required to register an unemployed
- Documents required to register a jobseeker
- Rights and obligations of an unemployed
- Rights and obligations of a jobseeker
- Help offered by the Customer Advisor
- Individual Action Plan
- Losing the status of an unemployed
- Losing the status of a jobseeker
- How to deregister from the unemployed register?
- How to deregister from the jobseekers register?
- Help for the unregistered
- Job seeking and recruitment
- Job placement
- Vocational guidance
- Support forms
- Intervention works
- Public works
- Socially useful works
- Reimbursed costs of travel and accommodation
- Reimbursed costs of taking care of a child under 7 or a dependant
- Employment voucher
- Occupancy voucher
- Co-funding the business activity start
- Loan for the business activity start
- Co-funding the business activity start based on the rules stipulated for social cooperatives
- Improving qualifications
- Monetary allowances
- For the disabled
- For foreigners
- Working abroad
- Other information
- ABC for the unemployed and jobseekers
- For employers and entrepreneurs
- Employing foreigners
- Employing nationals of EU and EEA states and of Switzerland – EURES employment services
- Employing third country nationals in Poland
- Work permits
- Seasonal work permits
- Temporary residence and work permit
- Working without a permit
- Work on a basis o employer’s declarations
- Employer’s obligations
- Labour market
- Job offers
- Calendar of fairs, exchanges and training sessions